Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Wes Wheeler | Marken CEO’s Education and Experience

Being the CEO at a leading company in its field like Marken is a demanding and serious challenge that requires a person with the right credentials which includes real practical experience and the right education. The education and previous career experience of Wes Wheeler led to his appointment in 2011 as CEO at Marken. His undergraduate education was completed in 1978 at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. He later completed a Master of Business Administration degree with emphasis in Finance.  He has been employed in various operational roles in the 30 years since then.

During his career, Wes Wheeler has had experience in a wide variety of technical, operational and business management both in the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. This has given Wheeler a deep and practical understanding of all the various aspects of the industries he has been involved in. In his 30 years, has developed his knowledge and experience in marketing, logistics, R&D, project management, manufacturing and engineering. The wide ranging experience of Wheeler both within financial,  logistics and operational roles, combined with his specific knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry are particularly relevant to his current role at Marken.

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